Thursday 22 June 2023

A Special Place in Santiago

Hi Blogheads.

Today I'd like you to write about a special place in Santiago that you like to go. . The first time I went to the Vega was about 15 years ago, before that I just used to go to La Vega Chica which was more convenient. Anyway, the first time I went, I entered from the west side which is quite seedy as there are a few dirty, run-down stalls with a few tables and chairs outside that sell litre bottles of Escudo. There is also a big sign telling you the different fines for urinating or defecating in the market. It wasn't not very well lit and on the first impression it is quite a daunting to enter. However, 20 metres further on everything changes and you encounter the hustle and bustle of market life. It's a noisy, colourful place which is full of weird and wonderful sights and smells. In my opinion, the best thing about La Vega is the quality of the fruit and vegetables that you can find, and all at a fraction of the price you find in the supermarket. In the last few years more Peruvian stall-holders have appeared and I think this has made La Vega more interesting. What I don't like is that more and more cafes and restaurants are opening which means it attracts more tourists and leaves less space for selling fruit and vegetables. I usually go with my wife. We go once a week and stock up with all our favourite veggies. We get the metro which is a 15-minute walk form our flat. All in all, it takes us about 2 to 2 and a half hours to get there and back and do all our shopping.

Write about a special place in Santiago you like to go.
Where it is,
How often you go there,
Who you go with,
What you do there,
When was the last time you went.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and a comment on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.


  1. yes jsjs, la vega is too busy, I went recently to stock up on a piece of land, if I had gone alone I would get lost.

  2. I always wanted to go, but for time i can´t D:

  3. I don't remember the last time I went, maybe I never went lol.

  4. I've never been, it would be interesting to go, at least to see the place.

  5. Great place, the food is very delicious

  6. Most of the vegetables and fruits from there are exported from the farm where I live, so that place reminds me of a small part of my home.

  7. The last time I went, was a long time ago. But I think the same about of quality of fruit and vegetables.

  8. I prefer to go to Mercado Tirso de Molina instead of La Vega because I can buy some cuchufli there.


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