Wednesday 5 April 2023

A Hobby

 Hi Blogheads,

Today I'm going to tell you about my hobby - making music.

I began making music for the first time aged 12 when I started to learn to play guitar. I'd been writing poetry for a couple of years and I tried to turn my poems into songs. By the time I could play 2 chords I wrote my first song (the chords were C and Em7). I started playing in a rock band aged 16 and a Punk band aged 17. I played in bands for the 15 years and also starting making some house music until I decided to go to university as a mature student. 

Nowadays, my hobby mainly involves making music using a programme called Ableton Live. But sometimes I use guitar and keyboard. Very occasionally I sing:) I spend much of my free time making music. During the semester I don't always get a chance to make music every day but I will spend up to 10 hours doing my hobby on an average weekend.

I current have 2 musical projects. I still release songs as Experiment SH1310 (I have a new single out today).

The song below is a track I released in February as part of a multi-media project with a Columbian designer who I met in China last year (we are making music at a distance!):

The name of our band is Amateur Beauty. On January 22nd we released our first album and launched our website. On March 28th, our 2nd album ABDB, a homage to pop singer David Bowie, came out. 

The full album is here:

I really enjoy this hobby because I lose myself in the music when I'm creating. It is almost like meditating and I love the sensation it creates. Also, now that my music is on Spotify and I-tunes its easier to share.

Ok, now it's your turn

Write about a hobby you enjoy.


How long you have been doing your hobby,

What equipment you use,

What your hobby involves,

How often you do it,

Why you enjoy doing it.

Mention anything else you think is important or interesting. Try to write at least 150 words.

Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.


  1. That's amazing, i want to learn to play an musical instrument.

    1. It´s never too late to start. I want to take saxophone lessons:)

  2. Wow, The song is very intersting for the sounds. It is captivating, and I see that your love music.

    1. After air, music is the most important thing lol.

  3. It´s feels like as an adventure to going to start. I very like te melody and the frecuency.

    1. Cool. I´m glad you like it´. What music do you usually listen to?

  4. What do you mean with "sonrisa triste conmigo"?

    1. It doesn´t actually mean anything. I took an a cappella song and mixed up the words (the singer is a young mexican artist but she never ever sang ¨´Sonrisa triste conmigo¨´ . I wrote to the singer and she gave me permission to use her voice. She is on Spotify as Ashesndreams.

  5. This song is totally a sound experience! The mix of sounds is captivating and instrospective. A great job!

    1. Thank you, Martin. Check out the album, I´m really pleased with it

  6. Thank you, Martin. Check out the album, I´m really pleased with it.

  7. I like so much the song, and is very interesting his live about around the music professor :)

  8. Ohhh what a great song, it has very soothing sounds and the young woman's voice is calming.

  9. Clad you like it. Do you sing?

  10. Hi Teacher! Your music (with your colombian friend) es very relaxing. Also, It's amazing that since you're little you create music.

  11. music is really amazing, have you ever thought about becoming a music teacher?

  12. wow. I didn't imagine you had such an interesting hobby. Don't stop doing it your music is really good

  13. I find it an interesting hobby


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